Big Experiences

They are several pictures which I toke when I was PPL in SMA N6 binjai,,, many experiences which I got in there,  thanksfullness I say for all teacher in SMA N6 binjai who had given me advices, sciences, and all motivation for me.., for my DPL Mr Mastar Muham n The teacher of English (pamong) Mrs Ernita Purba who always guided me when I was there and gave me a big score thanks so much.. For the leader of school SMA N6 Binjai Mrs Ika Prihatin thanks for you because you had belived with me to did my practices in your school. n the last for all my student in there thanks for you all especially X1, XII IPA1, XII IPS1, n XII IPS THANKS for you all coz u wanted to give your attention for me when I taught U.


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